A Happy Nursery Book PLAY, story and pictures by Virginia Parsons. NY: Doubleday and Co. 1963.
I dare you to look at this cover and not smile!
...meanderings of a children's bookseller on the subject of books, book collecting and running an out of print book business in the internet age.
"I remember a book I had when I was 4 or 5 or maybe 6
It was blue or green or maybe yellow
And had a picture of a duck or frog or puppy dog
The duck was lost but found his way home
The frog was bad but her family loved her anyway
And the puppy was hardly ever afraid of the dark or being alone.
It’s gone now, lost when we moved
or in the basement flood of '78
or the garage sale the year I left for college...
That’s the book I want to buy, do you have it?"